Every year media companies invest millions of dollars in observability and product analytics solutions to help ensure great experience. Yet, every year these same companies actually lose 7X the number of viewers because of poor QoE vs service outages. How many viewers are you losing to bad QoE? Do you know?

Top Experiences That Kill Engagement
    • App Start Time: Almost 20% of users abandon if your app doesn’t launch in 12 seconds 
    • Account Sign-Up: 52% of new subscribers abandon if sign-up takes longer than 4 minutes 
    • Video Playback: Subscribers with poor playback experience watch 63% less video hours

Conviva enables companies to continuously measure, monitor, and optimize the quality of eexperience of every interaction, of every user, in real-time. This enables 12 out of 15 of the world’s largest media conglomerates increase viewer engagement by 300% which for some has resulted in $100M in additional subscriber revenue, 4 billion additional minutes spent watching video, and $61.2M more in advertising revenue.  

Unlock a 7X Boost in Engagement and Lower Wasted Observability Spend

Join us at NAB to learn how Conviva’s approach to Quality of Experience is redefining Observability and boosting top line revenue by more than 7X through increased viewer engagement, ad and subscriber revenue, lower support costs, and more.